Moving Head - Robe Robin 600 LED Wash
Price from
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Day 1 is pickup/delivery – Last day is the day of return/collection.
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All prices shown exclude VAT.
Approximate dimensions:
Width: 34.3cm
Height: 44.4cm
Depth: 20.3cm
Minimum vehicle size required for collection:
Additional details:
- Arranged in 3 concentric rings these LEDs offer unique possibilities for creating stunning colour and pattern audience blinding effects as well as for providing comprehensive and perfectly even wash coverage.
- This system sets the LEDWash 600 ahead of any other LED wash light products, making it a truly‚ "multi-purpose" unit, equipped also with an extremely versatile 15 – 60 degree motorised zoom, powerful fast strobing and pre-programmed pulse strobe effects.
- Colour rainbow effect with variable speed.
- Pre-programmed random strobe & pulse effects.